Next to a Dumpster

October 12, 2005
Permanent Marker and Whiteout
An early morning stop
on the way to work.
I saw these clouds
And looked at this stretch of river,
Right next to an ugly pulloff
In a brand new way.
Muted morning light,
Bathes everything in an Inness like mystery.
Clouds were long and dark
With a bright light coming from behind.
The land is bathed in the dark, cool tones of autumn.
It's interesting to me that you use such rich language -- regarding color and light -- in your description. Given your choice to use a monotone media, how does this description inform your process?
Clarkelane, the description is a poetic transformation of the notes I take in the field when making a sketch.
I chose to work with black and white and come to color slowly this semester. My work over the past few years had become static with the same flat use of color and black lines. I hope to bring color back with a more personal use over the next few months.
The description is very important as any one of my drawings could be used to make a print and even a painting, so taking notes about the color of the grass, trees and clouds is crucial for future work.
Thanks, P
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