Dream III

November 7, 2005
Woodblock Print and Watercolor
I am using a little blue watercolor paint to get a feel for how a chiaroscuro print will look. The use of white will be very limited to the moon and clouds. There will be some fine white lines carved into the tracks and some thin white rays coming away from the moon in a sunburst pattern.
I'll go pick up some unmounted linoleum tomorrow and hopefully pull some more proofs later this week or weekend!
I like this series of prints. There's an abstraction about it that's been absent in your metal-plate work. You really connect the wood with the image and allow the material and image to speak for themselves. It reminds me of Michaelangelo's old maxim about releasing the sculpture in the block of stone.
Your 100% correct. The etchings need some soul and I have always enjoyed working on wood and lino.
It is funny that I connect with the monotypes when I am removing the ink, but not as much so with the etching.
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