Woodblock Carving

November 1-3, 2005
Found Woodblock
A little over a week ago I was leaving work and looked in the back of my friend Dave's truck. I saw a mess of kindling for his winter firewood. Two small blocks caught my eye, especially this one. It had a nice grain pattern and a knot just above the center horizon line. I grabbed the two blocks with Dave's permission and drew this imaginary view of the moon rising over the old St. Johnsbury railroad line near where I live.
After pushing the knot through the block and wire brushing the grain pattern, I spent the last three nights carving and think I will try a chiaroscuro print with this one. So, I will pull some proofs tonight and then make the color block on a piece of linoleum this weekend.
I thought it would be nice to scan the block before I pull any proofs as it will not be this pretty after it is inked and cleaned.
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