Moonlight I

August 17, 2005
Aluminum Monotype on Paper
This little print was pulled at the beginning of the semester and I wanted to post it on my blog. It is very successful and was taken from one of my first nighttime sketching expeditions. The print is starting to really speak to me.
The cloud cover this October was so thick that there was no point in trying to sketch the full moon. I was thinking about it and getting a bit depressed. So I thought it would be nice to share it here.
This print seems to work really well in a digital format. Have you started to think about the "distortion" of digitizing your prints? What might this allow you to do with them on another level? Could you "work back into your prints" digitally?
Clarkelane, As soon as I set this blog up I was very pleased with how the prints looked, not better than the actual print, just different.
Just about all of the prints and drawings have been changed in Photoshop and in time I hope to work with multiple images and other effects. The drawings have required the most work to get to look the way I want digitally.
Thanks, P
I am impressed! I like to paint the moon in my blk/wh oils. You accomplished great depth in this one. I get a dreamlike feel but a touch of reality pulls me back to the scene. I know little of the process you use, but the results are stunning.
Be Well,
Thanks Maddy, I ink up a plate of aluminum with a solid black from a roller. Then remove the ink with Q-tips, paper towels sticks and my fingers. Then run the plate through the press with damp printing paper.
I am having a lot of fun with the process.
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