I am an interdisciplinary artist and printmaker, living in Vermont since 1994. Inspired by the natural landscape I use imagination and memory to look beyond realism to make a statement about the pastoral landscape tradition in the 21st century. Contact: Please view my complete profile below. All work copyright Phillip Robertson 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Rorschach Installation

May 22, 2006
Pencil on Paper
This little sketch outlines my basic idea for an installation using all four 12"x12" woodblocks and at least two sets of prints of all four plates. The blocks will be mounted together and set on a section of log like a low table. The prints will be push-pinned to the wall in a vertical column directly above the blocks. The other option is to take three prints and attach them together creating a long hanging scroll. This would be a bit more work but might be more aesthetically pleasing in the end.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Ray Plastic Factory

Copier collage, photoshop, white-out, and ball-point pen.
This is a cartoon for my next chiaroscuro wood block print. The original monotype for "Ray Plastic Factory" had a different sky that I did not feel worked as well as it could. I took this sky from the recent print "Mt. Monadnock" and stuck it on my new drawing with the aid of photoshop and multiple copies. There will still be some fine adjustment to the drawing by the time it actually gets to the carving process but this is pretty much good to go!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

May 6, 2006
Solarplate Etching
The solarplate etching worked so very well with this image that it leaves me with a desire to make more of these plates.
All three solarplates were printed in small proof editions of six. I will probably not print them again until I have a suite of at least ten images and then I may create a small edition of each for a book project early next year.
Plainfield Winter

May 4, 2006
Solarplate Etching
This is the first of three soloarplates that I made and I think I have the technique down. It helped that the sun is as strong as it gets right now and I had a string of two really nice sunny days.
The only problem I seem to be having is a raised edge along the bottom of the plate from the cutter that is picking up ink.
Mt. Monadnock

May 3, 2006
I have abandoned using the small aluminum step-flashing in favor of a copper plate. The surface is so much nicer to work with and the thicker plate is easier to run through a press.
I am unsure what to think about this print as there are a few things going on that do not work very well. The mountain seems puffy and the pattern in the bushes in the foreground is too much the same.