Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Carborundum Cartoon

March 26, 2013
Copy of a drawing, collage, white-out, pen and pencil

I took this drawing I made last fall and enlarged it for a Carborundum print to be pulled at a later date.  Went to downtown Montpelier on my lunch break yesterday to add some details to the trees and bridge before using it as a cartoon to create a plexi-plate this weekend.

Triptych Proof 1

March 24, 2013
Carborundum print with monotype
8"x4 5/8"

This one is not as successful as the third in this series, scroll down to posts to see.  The inking of the color has been difficult and I really think i figured out how to make these work with this series of proofs.  It was all about the pressure when rolling the color onto the plate.  Plan to add some more grit to the plate and pull another round of proofs with this particular color.  Hopefully I will get one of each that is suitable for framing.

Triptych Proof 2

March 24, 2013
Carborundum print with monotype
8"x4 5/8"

This one printed pretty well but there are parts of the paper that are showing through.  I think i will add some more acrylic medium with grit to this one, concentrating on the tree and river in the foreground.

Triptych Proof 3

March 24, 2013
Carborundum print with monotype
8"x4 5/8"

This is the last of the second round of proofs and may be the best of the bunch.  I really figured out how to ink these plates but need a larger and softer roller to make these really work. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Christmas Day Triptych 1

March 19, 2013
Carborundum print
8"x4 5/8"

This is the first of three proofs for a triptych I have been planning over the last few weeks.  Once I have the plates printing the way I want, I plan to print them all at once on a single sheet of paper.  Right now they will sit 1/4" apart and may be printed on a gray paper with black underneath and white rolled across the top.

Christmas Day Triptych 2

March 19, 2013
Carborundum print
8"x4 5/8"

The middle print came out very well, but I still need to build up the branches of the tree.  It is also a tad darker than the other two as the colored ink picks up the black that I put onto the plate first, before rolling the color over the top.

Christmas Day Triptych 3

March 19, 2013
Carborundum Print
8"x4 5/8"

This is the last of three proofs I pulled of the three plates I have made for this triptych and was the weakest of the three prints.  There were some glitches in the printing of the first proof for all three, but I know what i need to do next.  All three plates will be built up with another round of Carborundum suspended in acrylic medium.  Hope to make them this weekend and pull some proofs next week!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Woodbury Mountain

March 10, 2013
Pencil on paper

After a couple of weeks of not getting out to make a sketch I finally managed to drag my sorry butt outside in the mud yesterday. The warm sun made me think less about my sore back and managed to walk about a half mile up a snow-machine trail to move my pencil across the page.  Hopefully this is the start of a spring glut of sketches and prints.

Crows and Woodpeckers
Muddy snow-machine trail view
Woodbury Mountain