I am an interdisciplinary artist and printmaker, living in Vermont since 1994. Inspired by the natural landscape I use imagination and memory to look beyond realism to make a statement about the pastoral landscape tradition in the 21st century. Contact: Please view my complete profile below. All work copyright Phillip Robertson 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Green River Reservoir I

July 18, 2007
There are a lot of nice things happening in this print and I think I will work with this image again on a slightly larger scale. With a few alterations and added detail it might make for a nice image to burn onto a couple of solar plates for a color print. The funny thing is that this was what I thought was the least interesting of the drawings from my Green River trip, yet it turned out to be my favorite print from the group.
Black River

July 18. 2007
This is perhaps the weakest of the four prints that I pulled last night. The person printing before me lowed the pressure on the press and did not increase it when they were done so it came out light. It is hard to tell with this scan but the blacks did not come out the way I like them. The evening was relaxing just the same as there was only one other person at SPA printing so we had the place to ourselves.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Black River Adventure

July, 17, 2007
Pencil on paper
The name of this river is not Black River, it was just dark from the evening sun and I had quite an adventure searching for this view. I wandered out behind Goddard in search of the river and found it at the bottom of a 30' cliff of eroded sand. I scrambled down the side of the cliff to the waters edge and started to wade back towards the college. After awhile the rocks gave way to a hard sandy surface and before I knew it my right foot sunk in up to my knee in what was almost like quicksand. My only choice was to move forward and out as my feet kept sinking in deep and I almost lost my sandle twice. Eventually I found a rock but the river was so stirred up I could not see the bottom and turned back. There was a moment when my heart raced and I thought what if I am stuck up to my knees in mud. At least I had my cell phone. I went deeper into the river and worked my way back but stopped to make this sketch before I headed back to campus. One of the most adventursome dinner breaks I have ever had!
Monday, July 16, 2007
East Hardwick II

July 15, 2007
Pencil on paper
The kids were sick yesterday and stayed inside for the most part even though it was a beautiful summer day. I snuck down to the river for a quick sketch. It was nice as I was standing in the water while I worked and hope to make a monotype from the drawing this week at SPA.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Blowing Snow

July 11, 2007
Monotype with watercolor
This is the third of my monotype prints that I have worked into with color. I am still getting used to the effect of how the color changes the black and white image as it is a little unsettling. Somehow using the watercolor paint lends the image new life and makes them feel like an old hand colored photograph from the 19th century. In the coming months I plan to make more of these as I have a mountain of prints from the last two years that are begging for a new life.